The Zone: Writing

For a brief moment, I was in it. You know what I'm talking about. The zone of euphoria in which the creative juices flow and words pour out your fingertips, effortlessly. And it's the good stuff that flows not crap.

I was there briefly a week or so ago and I want to return. This is where Michael Jordon went during 50 point games, where Yo Yo Ma goes during a performance, where Leonardo DaVinci and Michael Angelo went during their painting. The throes of creation.

Somehow I lost it. I was tooling along fine, finished a few short stories that came out really well and then nothing the well ran dry, someone turned of the spiggot.

How do you conjure this up? How do you return the that place where the magic happens?

Life seems to get in the way. I think I'll drink about it.

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