Bloody Marys....RJB Style

Ok, I admire author Joe Konrath, but I have to question his drunkard-ness because of the lame drink recipes he picks for his books. His website and blog kick mortal ass but the drinks, well...
For those of you who don't know him, he signed a 3 and then a 6 book deal with Hyperion and has created a semi-hardboiled series around a Chicago woman detective named Jacqueline Daniels aka Jack Daniels. The gimmic is each book's name is a drink, his first being Bloody Mary. A recipe starts every book.
Ok, he is a great writer and the P.T. Barnum of authorship, but his drink recipes suck. They are swill that no respectable drunk would consume.
So, in the interest of non-sobriety, here is my Bloody Mary recipe:
Spicy V8
Dash of Worcestershire Sauce
Dash of dill pickle juice
A few shakes of pepper
A dab of horseradish sauce
Habanero Tabasco Sauce (As much as you can stand)
Stoli's Vodka(The hot pepper one - as much as required)
Garnish with 3 olives and a spicey asparagas spear (and three shrimp, if you're on the East Coast)
NO ICE(Dilution factor)
Try it. I'm dinking one now...
If you have a better recipe, please add it. I'm always looking to modify mine.