Spit or Swallow....you decide.

"Joining the chorus of a million big skeptics, Oprah Winfrey has withdrawn her support for embattled memoirist James Frey.

Winfrey confronted the A Million Little Pieces author during a live taping of her show on Thursday, stating that she was "really embarrassed" by her initial decision to stand up for him in the face of allegations that he fabricated large chunks of his book.
"It is difficult for me to talk to you because I feel duped. I really feel duped," Winfrey said to Frey.

The Queen of Daytime catapulted A Million Little Pieces to best-seller status after she selected the so-called memoir for her book club.
Thanks in large part to Winfrey's endorsement, Frey's supposedly true tale of his struggles with addiction and stint in rehab sold 1.77 million copies last year, making it the number-two-selling book of the year behind Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

However, after an in-depth investigation by the
Smoking Gun Website called major events and details of the book into question, Frey's claims of everything from the amount of time he spent behind bars to undergoing dental surgery without the benefit of Novocaine were discounted.
After finding himself at the center of a media firestorm, Frey began admitting in interviews that he had embellished elements of his tale for dramatic effect, but clung to his mantra that the book represented "the essential truth of my life."

But the staggering discrepancies between the events depicted in Frey's Pieces and the Smoking Gun's report seemed to suggest that the writer was guilty of more than mere embellishment.

Hey, I gave you a choice, this came from E-online where you have no choice...

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