Top 10 Reasons it SUCKS to be the Starving Mystery Writer

10. Running out of beer cans to return for gas money
9. Running out of crap to sell on eBay for paper, printer ink, stamps, envelopes, and YES, SASEs
8. Reaquiring a taste for 10/$1 Ramin Noodle Soup from college days
7. Start shopping at Save-a-lot where yes sports fans you really save a lot
6. Beer consumption increases and goes from $6 beers at the pub to $6 cases from Walmart
5. You go from 12 Year Old Glenlevit Scotch to month old Aristocrat
4. You go from $50 bottles of wine to looking for $2 wine ala Two-Buck-Chuck & eyeing Ripple
3. European vacation goes from a week in Venice, Italy to a trip to the corner store for #4,5,&6
2. Significant other shit cans you for lack of ambition and attentiveness
And the number one reason:
1. Blogging becomes more interesting and time consuming then sex.
I"ll post the top ten reasons its great to be The Starving Mystery Writer when the above go away.