Know Thyself

We are the sum total of our experiences. The good, the bad, the ugly. Writers, good ones anyway, must know themselves. Writing, for me, has been cathartic and in many ways an introspective exploration of self, motivations, perceptions, and realities.
In a recent blog by Jaye Wells, she explores personality tests in detail. I took the quick down and dirty personality test of four questions and found the results to be strikingly accurate. So accurate in fact that it gave me interesting insight into motivations and actions of my past and why I have ended up as a writer.
Yesterday, in a blog with Ivan Prokopchuk, we explored why tortured writers pour themselves out through their pen. Truth, somehow bleeds through the bullshit. Honesty is somehow apparent on its face.
If you are interested, take the test and let me know how accurate the results are.
I think to know yourself makes one a better writer, both in style and character creation. Because as we all know there is a little bit of us in every character...