Salve for the Soul

"These are the times that try men's souls" Thomas Payne
In the spirit of Christmas, I'm in need of a little more salve for the soul than normal. I find myself in a very strange place. Not horribly bad place, just different. Times they are a changin'.
Jim Beam isn't cutting it. Corona. Nope. Not rum in the eggnog. Nothing.
So where do you turn?
To good books. The Good Book? Others?
I usually read the book of Job when I feel like this, and I recently picked up the book of Tao. I wanted a quote to cling to; the Bible, Tao, Nietzsche, Sarte, Kant, something Existential, but nothing seems right.
So I'm left with me and four words.
The Salve: To truly love, release.