Lust, Love & Loss

The seasons cycle. As spring follows winter and fall follows summer. Why must lust and love be followed by painful loss? There is no greater desire than lust, no greater feeling than mutual love, and equally no greater pain than the loss of love.

Love dwindles; relationships die.

These emotional afflictions have driven the human existence to the heights of great accomplishment and the depths of deep dispair.

Most good writers are tragically flawed in one or many areas of thier lives. All the writers that I admire either killed themselves literally, or through alcohol, drugs, and addiction suffered a slow death. Writers must be sadomasichistic and manic-depressive to subject themselves to the tremendous rejection writing for publication brings.

So, why do all good artists; writers, painters, musicians, etc., expose their private selves; publicly subjecting thereselves to critique and ridicule? Because they're artists. Driven to do what they do. It's thier passion. Pain and pleasure, torment and extacy, are expressed through thier art. Most do art for themselves. If the public enjoys it, then that is a bonus. But the ultimate for the artist is self-expression and self satisfaction.

I don't know if I will ever rise to level of an artist, but I have the requisite tragic flaws. I've experienced the losses and the pain, and continue to do so.

As spring follows winter and fall follows summer, hopefully, so too will love follow loss.

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