Charity . . .

For this blogsite, I generally try to stay on topic as much as possible, but because today is Christmas Eve, I found myself drawn to write something very personal. For me, Christmas for the most part has been perverted by commercialism. Devoid of its true essence.

This year I find myself in a somewhat unique position. Unique for me, though a position that many around the world find themselves in every day. . . alone.

In my life, I have been alone many times. Those times in the past, I have responded with self- pity and depression. Though I feel these emotions, something that has been missing in my life for a long time has returned. The spirit of giving.

Throughout my childhood and even today, my parents have given; time, clothing, food, and much more to prisons, mental intitutions, military families, homeless shelters, and charitable organizations. My parents have always struggled financially so thier charity has been remarkable to me. To give when one cannot afford to give. I think this is true charity.

Being alone this year has caused me to reflect intensely on my past and future. My journey. Today, I reflect on the blessings that I have been given; life, education, health, home, friends, family, and former and future loves. I have been and am truly blessed.

In that spirit, I am approaching this Christmas differently than I ever have in the past. From my parents example I am going to try to give, in a very personal way, to people in need. I will start tommorow and will try to continue for the rest of my life; every day of my life. To live up to the standard they set. To give the most when they had the least to give.

It is so easy to forget, while I sit in my well-heated home, surrounded by good food and drink, with all the amenities, that men and women are dying in Iraq and Afganistan for my freedoms, that homeless people are staving and cold, that people are alone and ill in hospitals and mental institutions.

These thoughts put my life truly back into prospective. I hope to give emotionally when I feel I can least afford to give.

Merry Christmas to all.

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