Pulp Fiction?

What happened to Pulp Fiction? Not the movie. The outlet. The magazines.

As I prepare a couple of short mystery stories for submission and look for markets, I am amazed. There just aren't that many paying crime fiction magazines.

After WWII, there were somewhere close to 100 pulps. The Black Mask, Dime Detective, and on and on. The magazines that Chandler, Hammett, McDonald, and a gaggle of good crime writers cut thier teeth on.

They were killed off by TV, the short attention span of a technology driven and upwardly mobile society, and media consolidations. Slash and burn economics. Profit. Profit. Profit. The same thing that has put midlist writers on the street.

What happened to magazines and publishing houses that nurtured and supported authors as they developed thier craft? Progress.

Sorry, I'm waxing nostalgic. Maybe there are online Pulp magazines that pay and small publishing houses that an author can grow and develope with . . .

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