A New Pulp Noir Publisher

From World War II through the 1960s, paperback crime novels were one of the fastest-selling categories in book publishing.
Millions of readers snapped up hundreds of millions of books by well-known authors like Erle Stanley Gardner and Mickey Spillane, as well as by promising young writers like Lawrence Block, Elmore Leonard, and Donald Westlake.
Today, Block, Leonard, and Westlake still make the bestseller lists with each new hardcover — but the pulp novels that first captured the public's imagination weren't hardcovers. They were paperbacks you could fit in your back pocket, with jaw-dropping cover paintings and bare-knuckled prose that grabbed you by the collar with the first sentence and held you until the last page. No one's published books like that in years. Until now.
Hard Case Crime was created by authors' Charles Ardai and Max Phillips; the line is published as a collaboration between Winterfall LLC and Dorchester Publishing.