A Mystery...Can We Find Good Sex?

“…my tongue traced circular arcs down her tanned belly to her navel following a fine line of hair. She moaned and arched her hips to meet my lips as I …”

Why is that so hard to write and so much harder to read?

Sex is a major part of the human existence and actually the better part. Is it our puritan roots that cause us to cringe, recoil, or skip reading sex scenes in novels?

A recent panel of well known best selling mystery authors struggled with description of how or if to write compelling sex scenes. They came to very few conclusions other than the sex or love scene must advance the plot and reveal character in one or both of the participants.

Why are we as Americans so afraid of sex? I don’t get it. Sex permeates almost every aspect of our society from all forms of media. We can’t drive past a billboard, pick up a newspaper, magazine, listen to radio, watch any movie or television program without being overwhelmed by it.

Ok, it’s hard for many writers to write and many readers to read. But we can sure kill a lot of people in novels very graphically and most people have no problem with writing or reading it. Are we just immune to violence and still up-tight about sex?

I had a law school professor that wrote a book that’s premise was violence in itself was obscenity.

Do you think sex has a place in novels? If so how graphic, and why or why not?

Don’t you think that as graphically as we kill someone we should just as graphically show a love or sex scene? If not, why not?

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