
It was my wish to write something profound for the new year. I struggled and struggled. I saw a recent article about Pluto, and there appeared a blog post.

The American Dialect Society 2006 Word of the Year is Plutoed or "to pluto" as "to demote or devalue someone or something, as happened to the former planet Pluto when the General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union decided Pluto no longer met its definition of a planet."

At one time I thought I could write. I have been Pluoed, by myself. I haven't or do not want it enough. There is a sacrifice required. A pound of flesh to be given that I cannot muster.

I write, at times, well. It is sporadic, not professional. Not enough. If before they toss the last shovel of dirt in my face, I find that bit of inspiration, I intend to write it.

I really enjoy blogging, but most of what I read and have written is tedious bullshit.

The only thing that resonates is honesty and realism. I try and fail.


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