Quotes of the Day: Love via Sally

"if i love you with all of my heart, she said what will you give me? and then she stopped and said i didn't have to answer that because she was going to do it any way." -kahlil gibran, the beloved

"the thought of you sings, smiles,shines, and dances like a joyous fire that gives out a thousand colors. and penetrating warmth."
-gustave flaubert

"...love was just saying ah what the heck and letting go, and accepting,...yes, love was accepting."
-rick bass, the watch

"once the realization is accepted that even between the closest human beings infinite distances continue to exist, a wonderful living side by side can grow up, if they succed in loving the distance between them which makes it possible for each to see each other whole against the sky."
-rainer maria rilke

" the greatest weakness of most humans, is their hesitancy to tell others how much they love them."
-o.a. battista

"what is a friend?
a soul dwelling in two bodies."

"silence is holy. it draws people together, because only those who are comfortable with each other can sit without speaking. this is a great paradox." -nicholas sparks

"the brain may take advice, but not the heart, and love, having no geography, knows no boudries: weight and sink it deep, no matter, it will rise and find the surface: and why not? any love is natural and beautiful that lies within a person's nature; only hypocrites would hold a man responsible for what he loves, emotional illiterates and those of rightious envy, who in their agitated concern, mistake so frequently the arrows pointing to heaven to the ones that leads to hell."
-capote, other voices, other rooms

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